Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dispatches from GARP's Annual Convention: Heard in the Halls

It's impossible to cover all the multiple, simultaneous tracks. I've stuck my head into every single one of them--and you know what? Wow! Full crowds in each one! The energetic attendance for all of these nuanced break-outs is a true measure of the excitement surrounding the many facets of risk management in these trying economic times.

Here's a full rundown of the program. There were 9 today, there'll be 10 tomorrow. Too many too cover!

So, I thought I'd take a walk around the exhibition hall, peek at a few nametags, talk to a few people, and get a general feeling for the mood of those in attendance. Here's what I heard in just a quick, 15 minute stroll during the afternoon break:

- Someone said to me: "Ken Abbott! Ever get a chance to hear him, go out of your way--a very refreshing talk." Mr. Abbott is a Managing Director at Morgan Stanley. He spoke about Basel implementation.

- A gentelman on the phone to his colleague stuck in his office: "It's great! I can't stop taking notes!"

- I picked up conversation in French, Hindi, Chinese and Russian.

- Robert Jackson must have made quite an impression with his keynote address on executive compensation. I heard a duo and a trio discussing this, while an energetic foursome in between animatedly discussed the merits of - or lack thereof - of Basel II.

Up next: panel discussion on executive pay - starting now!

Posted by Shaun Randol